Staff & Students

Who We Are

“We understand that a learning problem is a reading problem.”
Our team are passionate and trained to deal with a variety of issues that hold your child back.

Where did it all start…?

Tina Cowley developed the unique “Cowley Technology-assisted reading methods” during her relentless pursuit to overcome her son’s reading problem. The reading methods go back to the very basics of decoding and deciphering the alphabet, often the root of a reading disability.

A research project to evaluate reading problems in schools has been carried out among numerous schools. In all cases it was established that there exists a serious short-coming in reading and learning. Just taking 20% (as a conservative estimate) of all learners in the country, which gives you 2.4 million, it becomes obvious that not being able to read is a serious problem. According to a census taken by the Department of Statistics (1996), there were 4 million illiterate adults (20 years and older) in this country.


A message from our principal

Trudie Stoger

Trudie Stoger is the owner of the Tina Cowley Reading Centre in Hartbeespoort dam.

She is originally from Pretoria where she studied at the University of Pretoria. She worked in the Public Relations Industry, Coca Cola where she met her husband. They left the country in 2003 and  spent 13 years in the Middle East (Saudi Arabia and Dubai)

Although she has her BCom Honours in Marketing and Communications, due to the limited professions available to women in the Middle East, she started teaching and found her passion for educating children.

Both her girls were born and schooled in Saudi Arabia. After spending 13 years in the Middle East the Stogers decided to come home and settle in the beautiful Harties area. This is when she noticed the big difference in her own children’s reading abilities and of their peers at the school. Her youngest went into Grade 0 at that time and was able to read anything, fluently! This was not uncommon where they came from but the teachers couldn’t believe it. This is when Trudie started doing research and found the Tina Cowley Reading programme.

After meeting Dr Tina Cowley herself she was sold. She opened the Tina Cowley Reading Centre in Harties.

“The results I see every day and the difference this reading programme makes in the lives of children daily is what makes me believe in the reading programme 100%”

Contact me, let’s chat through how the programme can help your child.


Teacher Theresa

Teacher Theresa, our reading therapist at our Schoemies center.

Why we are the best

Does your child have a learning disability?

The Tina Cowley Hartbeespoort reading centre do a scientific test of your child’s reading. We then know how to best address the problem.  We work systematically thus ensure that all microsystems work together as a macro system. We also take all students’ brain profiles into consideration to make sure how they they learn is used in the program.

We refer problems outside our field to occupational and speech therapists as well as psychologists.

We address all the basic skills of reading for all ages but have a special interest in our early readers.