I would like to thank all of you for sending your children back for another year of reading.
Especially in these uncertain times I am so happy to be offering these children something stable and a goal to work towards.
I will be sending everybody a link to our Tina Cowley APP and how to login. Some of you might have received it already. Please copy and paste your password if you have issues with it accepting when you retype it. Sometimes an “O” is a letter and sometimes a number… irritating I know, but I would hate for you to struggle. Links below to the app on the two platforms.
This is a communication platform specific to our Harties Reading Centre. It contains news, photos, class times, information on what we are doing in the classes etc. If you don’t like app’s, that’s ok, I will still be commmunicating via email and what’s app so you stay connected!
I would also like to ask permission to add photos of the children on my facebook page. We would love to show off our special achievers and also show you what happens in our classes.
For awards we will use first names only and for general photos and videos, no names. We also won’t tag you in photos thereby protecting privacy. Feel free to tag yourself though to show your friends if you feel comfortable with this platform.
Please let me know if your child should not appear on social media.
Reading regards
Reading Therapist
Tina Cowley Reading Centre.