Good day everybody, it is nice to see all the children back in their shorts and t-shirts and now we start quarreling about the setting of the air conditioners.
Welcome to all the new faces at both the Coves and the Schoemies Centres, our Tina Cowley family is growing daily.
New Schoemies Centre
The new Reading Centre in Schoemies opened at the beginning of September. Teacher Lani is having a lot of fun with all of the new children joining the Tina Cowley winning team.
> Our children enjoy the practical activities!
Word building with the letter tiles at Tina Cowley is a fantastic exercise to develop phonetic skills and vocabulary, which improves reading.
Ons kinders geniet die praktiese aktiwiteite!
Woordbou met die letter teëls by Tina Cowley is ‘n fantastiese oefening om fonetiese vaardighede te ontwikkel en om woordeskat uit te brei wat lees verbeter.
Ons sterre van die maand:
Michael en Celesté
Michael en Celesté is albei in Gr 0, die 2’tjies is besig met ons Ticket program vir voorskoolse kinders. Hulle albei woeker met die program en slaan my asem weg met hoe vining hulle die inligting inneem. Hou so aan julle 2!!!
Gr 1 – 4 Afrikaanse leesgroep
Hierdie is on Gr 1 – 4 Afrikaanse leesgroep, maar bestaan uit Afrikaans en Engels sprekende kinders wat die Afrikaanse taal nou bemeester. Wat so pragtig is van hierdie groep is hoe die kinders mekaar help met woordeskat en spelling, dit is pragtig om te sien.
Ons spogklas afr Gr 1-4.
Interesting things we do at the Reading Centre:
Brain Gym exercises:
What is brain gym?
Brain gym is a series of small body movements used to integrate all parts of the brain to enhance learning. These movements strengthens the nerve-endings between all the senses and the brain. Brain gym enhances the working together of the eyes, ears and senses.
A person has a lifelong ability to build new nerve paths which will then lead to better writing, learning and reading skills.
Brain gym also integrates laterality, centering and focus which helps the child to be able to take in information better and process new information better.
Brain gym: cross crawl: Activates all parts of the brain.
Brain gym exercise: Thinking caps: Enhances effective listening skills.
Brain gym exercises: The infinite walk: enhances learning and spelling.
^ Hook up’s
Let’s Read
Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body – Joseph Addison.