Good day everybody, I hope you are well, healthy and happy.


I want to welcome all the new faces to the Reading Centre. It is lovely to see the Tina Cowley Harties family grow.

New Schoemies Centre

Teacher Lani is finishing up her training at the Tina Cowley Head Office in Witbank for the opening of the new Schoemies Centre in September.

Ons sterre van die maand:

Joshua Steyn

Hy is ons “ woordsoek” ster.

Zoé Steyn

Zoe het die Internasionale leesspoed van 185 woorde per minuut vir ‘n Graad 6 leerling bereik.

Baie geluk Zoe, dit is werklik iets om op trots te wees.

Van links - Ankie, Emmi en Stella

Hierdie  Gr 0 leerlinge het almal hulle Ticket program klaar gemaak en nou begin hulle lees!!!!

Ankie in Gr 0 wat vir die maatjies in die klas ‘n storie lees.

Interesting things we do at the Reading Centre:

Laughter therapy:

Laughter therapy is done during the last 5 minutes of the reading class. We call it our happy dance.

As the brain cannot distinguish between laughter as exercise and involuntary laughter, the psychological benefits are the same.

Laughter therapy is a de-stress tool, it releases feel good hormones (endorphins),it raises levels of immunoglobulin which is important in fighting infections, it improves circulation, it improves emotional intelligence and the development of social skills.

A laughing session of only one minute is equivalent to ten minutes of strenuous exercise in the gym.

laughter therapy
eye kinetics for reading
eye kinetics for reading

Eye kinetics:

We start every session with 5 minutes of eye kinetics.

This is a series of exercises which strengthens the eye muscles.

Like any other muscle in the body the eye muscles can also be strengthened through exercise.

This leads to smooth eye muscle movement which is extremely important for reading.

eye kinetics for reading

Let’s Read!

“ Today a reader, tomorrow a leader”
Margaret Fuller.


Trudie, Tasz en Lani